LEGO Friends: Girlz 4 Life (DVD) – Movie Review
Follow Genre: Animation, Family
Director: Christian Chesire, Thomas J. Mikkelsen
Distributor: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Duration: 76 minutes

LEGO Friends: Girlz 4 Life (DVD) – Movie Review

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Good: Enjoyable music
Bad: Very predictable
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If we’re really honest, most of us will probably have to admit that, at some point in life, we just wanted to be famous. Soon enough we would discover that our talent wasn’t that great though, and this dream got locked away. But some do really have a talent, and all they need is a chance. The LEGO Friends girls are very close to having the chance of a lifetime in this movie, until Megan decides differently. They will have to stand up for what is rightfully theirs, but while attempting to do so, they will learn some valuable lessons along the way.


Mia (Marianne Miller), Olivia (Rachelle Heger), Stephanie (Alexa Kahn), Andrea (Erica Mendez) and Emma (Millie O’Connor) have just recorded their new song ‘Girlz’, which turned out to be quite nice, but what they need now is for it to be picked up, as all they want is to be pop stars. As luck would have it, Livi (Erin Fitzgerald), the most popular star at the moment, is in Heartlake City to perform, as well as to record new songs. These songs she will be recording at Megan’s (Christine Cabanos) studio. Megan is the older sister of Tanya (Cristina Vee), the school bitch. Tanya has a band too, and will do anything to make sure the girls don’t succeed in reaching their goal. Nonetheless, the girls have a plan: they will hand over their song to Livi, who will then hopefully make them famous. Mia is the chosen one to do so, as she works at the hotel where Livi is staying. Unfortunately, she doesn’t manage to give the song to Livi herself, but only to Megan, who promises to give it to Livi. But what the girls don’t know is that Megan desperately needs a new song for Livi to sing, and because pressure is on, she decides to claim that the girls’ song was of her writing and as Livi loves it so much, she makes it her new single. Great is the surprise of the girls when later, they hear Livi sing part of their song. They believe that Livi is no more than an ordinary thief, but they will have to come up with a pretty good plan to get their song back, seeing that, once Livi will have performed it in her show, there is no way of claiming the song back anymore.

lego friends

The story is quite predictable, seeing that within the first ten minutes or so, you will already have figured out the ending. Nonetheless there is enough variation between music, action and calmer scenes, which makes it still enjoyable enough to watch. Certainly young girls, at whom this film is aimed, will be able to relate to the girls in the film, or at least find them fun to watch as they do girly stuff, but are also not afraid to come up with challenging plans to get back what is theirs.

The voice acting of all characters is done quite well and makes it quite obvious who are the good guys and who the bad ones. There are the typical cheery voices of the girls, as well as the lower, cooler voice of Megan for example, which adds to the likability of the characters. The only downside is that, when singing, the characters’ lips move just a tad later than the song itself, which can be quite annoying to watch.


Quite often, DVD releases come just with a minimum of extras. While it’s not always necessary to have extras, it still is a nice bonus for those who are interested in something more. Luckily, on this DVD there are quite a few extras. There are not only some extra scenes to enjoy, but also the signature song of the film, Girlz, is featured in the extras. There is a karaoke for you to sing along, the official music video as well as the dance routine of the girls of L2M, the girl band who provided the song for the film. These girls are all about twelve years old, yet they sing and dance quite impressively. Finally, the girls even give some dance lessons, if you are interested in learning their moves.


LEGO Friends: Girlz 4 Life shows a fun and enjoyable story that, even though it is predictable, will certainly entertain many of the age category it is aimed at. The characters are quite recognizable, and the variation of action scenes and calmer ones adds a certain appeal. Add in the original extras, which even include dance lessons, and you’re guaranteed to have a fun afternoon with the kids.


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LEGO Friends: Girlz 4 Life (DVD) - Movie Review, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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