Life is Strange 2 Episode 3 – Teaser trailer released!

The release date of Life is Strange 2 Episode 3 is creeping closer and closer. Now to make fans even more excited and curious, Square Enix and DONTNOD Entertainment released a teaser trailer for Episode 3. The teaser showcases a storyboard-like sketch with the voice acting already in place.
In Episode 3 Sean and Daniel continue their road trip and end up in the redwood forests of Callifornië. They make friends with a group of homeless and runaways but they also come in contact with some bad things. Their relationship as brothers will be tested as they learn more about themselves and one another.
“Life is Strange’s team always reads the feedback from the players and after the launch of Episode 2 of Life is Strange 2 we noticed that the need to purchase episodes separately was pretty big” says Jon Brooke, Co-studio head of Square Enix External Studios. “it took some time to be able to achieve this, because we had to make sure that all the episodes can be played separately or even in a wrong order, which was originally not designed that way. However, we are happy to announce that fans from now can buy every Life is Strange 2 episode separately on Launch day”
“We would like to thank all the fans that have supported us with this project by purchasing the Season Pass or the ones that are planning to buy the individual episodes. We are also grateful to the players that gave us feedback. Life is Strange 2 is a live development project and all the insights and reactions from fans help us improve the game we are making”
As you can read in the quotes above, from now on you are able to buy every episode from Life is Strange 2 separately. Episode 2 is now available separately from the season’s bundle. We already reviewed Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 and also Episode 2, which you can check out here and here.
Life is Strange 2 Episode 3 is available on the 9th of May 2019.
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