Lovecraftian inspired NAKED PEAK – Climb the Mountains of Madness premiers today

The internet opens up many new avenues for creative projects, including the one we’re reporting on today. NAKED PEAK – Climb the Mountains of Madness is a crowdfunded anime movie that far overshot its goal, managing to scrape together $1 million USD (119 million Yen) from nearly 12 000 backers. The story is based on Cthulhu-inspired tabletop RPG Mountains of Madness and promises to be a horror drama with gorgeous animation and a beyond-talented cast, about a harrowing rescue operation after a plane goes missing and a never before seen mountain appears out of thin air. A full-length movie is in development by MadaraUsi. But today, they’re already premiering a ‘pilot episode’ that serves as a prologue to the movie. It’s going to be uploaded on their Youtube channel completely free of charge later in the night. So definitely keep an eye on the channel if you’re interested in that sort of thing, or watch some of their other videos about Japanese animation or music.
Lovecraftian inspired NAKED PEAK - Climb the Mountains of Madness premiers today,
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