LudoNarraCon is Happening from the 24 – 27 April, Are You Streaming It?
Want to know what’s not cancelled? LudoNarraCon! Next question, what is LudoNarraCon?
LudoNarraCon is a digital festival celebrating Narrative Games! From the 24th to 27th April 2020, enter a live stream event to witness and partake in more than 40 new narrative games being exhibited, 10 panels where game development will be discussed, including sales of 50 games available, with the added bonus of more than 20 playable demos during the event. Check out the trailer below by Fellow Traveller.
Life in lockdown has had nearly every event cancelled. However, there has been a digital shift with regards to webinars, conference calls and anything related to live-streaming has had a massive spike in users over the past few weeks. So why not attend LudoNarrcon from the comfort of your home via Steam, while practising social distancing.
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