Developer: NAISU
Publisher: NAISU
Platforms: PC
Tested on: PC
Mokoko – Review
Mokoko is one of those games that is intended for a very specific group of players. Since it became available to publish games with nudity and all those sorts of content, more and more games are appearing on the Steam store with this type of content. The developer of Mokoko, NAISU, is particularly specialized in games with this content and has been focusing on making games with anime nudity.
The story of Mokoko has two sides to it. First, you have a sort of overarching storyline that is revealed one paragraph at a time as you progress through the eight levels. This story is a tale about two men’s unfortunate destiny after shipwrecking and waking up on a remote island. Basically, this short story is a reworked version of a joke that has been told in many different ways. Each level features one picture of a girl with three difficulties which will ultimately let you reveal a paragraph of the overarching storyline. On the other hand, you have the girl’s story and the connection between her and the invaders that are moving around on the picture of the girl. They both have a description about themselves and a section that explains their relationship. The connection between the girls and the invaders is very far-fetched and can cause quite some confusion in trying to understand even a small bit of it. Don’t expect much of the story in this game as the game is basically focused on nude anime content.
While the graphics are fairly simple in this game, the gamers that buy games with adult-content won’t mind at all. We played the game at different resolutions, up to 4K but we barely noticed any difference. The photos of the girls look the same no matter which resolution you pick, only the particles and enemies may look a bit better at a higher resolution. The base game doesn’t have a lot to offer as each level will unlock ‘clothing’ which is locked behind the nude patch (DLC). To actually see these “clothes”, you need to install the optional nude patch which is actually the most vital part of the entire game as the only ‘reward’ you get is seeing these girls without their clothes on.
When you’ve installed this patch, you’ll notice that you didn’t really unlock new clothing, but the possibility to take their clothes off. All we can say about this is, once you’ve seen the first, there’s not much else to see in the others, as everything looks quite the same in each photo. When you’ve cleared all three difficulties, the girls will obviously be completely naked and as a bonus, you can change their facial expression to the one that turns you on the most.
Mokoko features some real, Japanese voices that will only add something to your gameplay if you can speak and understand this language. When unlocking new parts of the photo on the background, the girls will moan and talk to you to encourage you to help them and defeat the creatures on-screen. It sounds like the same voice actor has been used for all the voices, but still, it does sound pretty good. The background music has a very jolly sound to it, but sadly is very repetitive, especially in the menus.
Mokoko is a retro arcade game with adult-content that features the gameplay of classic arcade games like Qix and Volfied. The basic gameplay of Mokoko is quite simple. Each level is comprised of a square with a silhouette of the girl in the background. This square is filled with several enemies that move according to a set pattern of movements. You can move around at the edge of this square and you need to capture parts of this square to reveal what’s behind it.
By pressing the space bar, you’ll enter the square and draw a line. You need to move as fast as you can, evading the enemies and reaching another edge of the square. The area you cut out of the square with the line you’ve drawn will be cut out of the square and your line will form the new edge of the area. The area you’ve opened up will reveal the part of the image behind it. Enemies that are captured with the area you’ve covered will be destroyed and will earn you bonus points. You can cut out parts of the picture however you want. Even by drawing a small square from where you’ve started will work, creating your own new starting point to imprison enemies and hinder their movements. The bigger the area is that you cut from the square, the more points it will earn you. The whole picture will reveal itself when you’ve cut out a minimum of 75% of the picture. Without the nude patch installed, it will just show you the image with a notice that new clothes are unlocked, while a version of the game with the nude patch installed will reveal to you the next level of the picture with the girl having less clothing on than they had.
The base game mode of the game is called Story Mode, which lets you go through all the pictures from the first to the last. After you’ve completed the story mode, Arcade mode will be unlocked. You would think unlocking this will offer you more content, but sadly, it doesn’t. Arcade mode basically is the same game mode with a limited number of lives. To keep you entertained for a little while longer, there are global leaderboards in which you can try to compete for the highest score, but as the game doesn’t offer that much, it won’t keep you entertained for that much longer.
Mokoko is a classic arcade game that features some classic gameplay inspired by Qix and Volfied. The gameplay is just like you would expect from it, but with some extra anime titties. The gameplay can be quite fun if you’ve enjoyed similar games when they were hot back in the days, but for the younger generations, this game is mostly a big excuse to see some naked anime girls. The story of the game is far from understandable. While the gameplay is very classic, this game is obviously intended for those who have an interest in nude anime stuff. So, if you like some classic arcade gameplay and don’t mind the extra nude content, you can pick this up to enjoy yourself for a short while.
Mokoko - Review,
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