Musical “Danced Without Pants” from This is the President shown in new trailer

Musical “Danced Without Pants” from This is the President shown in new trailer

It all started with a bet between SuperPac and THQ Nordic. What it was all about doesn’t matter anymore at this point… What does matter is that THQ Nordic has lost the bet. As a result, some the THQ Nordic’s employees had to compose and perform a musical. This was first shown to a chosen group of critics earlier this year, and it was a disaster.

Now, they’ve partnered up with professionals to actually make a decent musical. “Danced Without Pants“, performed by Caleb Hyles and Major Attaway was the result of this.  YOu can witness it for yourself in This is the President when you visit the musical during a special night with your First Lady. Surely going to the theater never did a US President wrong hasn’t it? Check out the trailer below to get a preview of the musical in This is the President. This is the President is now purchasable on Steam.

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