New info about Courier of the Crypts

New info about Courier of the Crypts

A lot of people don’t like cemeteries and crypts. Well, imagine that you have to enter one, with only a torch to accompany you. This is what Courier of the Crypts is all about. This game is a 2D action adventure game in which you have to survive as a courier. The only thing you can use is, as said before, your magic torch. This is used to illuminate your path, to keep you safe from evil spirits and solve puzzles.

These will be the features the game will have to offer:

  • Ambiental and carefully hand-crafted maps full of puzzles and secrets.
  • Magic torch – light your path, scare off the enemies, solve puzzles….
  • Deadly traps and rich treasures
  • Simple yet appealing story with a twist.
  • Beautiful pixelated graphics.
  • Music and visuals for perfect ominous ambient.
  • World map with secret maps to unlock.
  • Meet the spirits and buy some upgrades.
  • Perfection system.
  • Challenging achievements.
  • Full controller support.

This game will go in Early Access at the end of March or at the beginning of April, but if you already know you want a copy, you can always preorder one at this location!


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New info about Courier of the Crypts, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Faster than lightning

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