New Pokémon announced for Pokémon Sun and Moon

Nintendo has just released information about new Pokémon coming to Pokémon Sun and Moon. Nine new Pokémon from the Alola region have been announced and some details have also been released about Zygarde.
The new Pokémon are Tapu Koko (electric/fairy), Charjabug (bug/electric), Vikavolt (bug/electric), Drampa (normal/dragon), Bruxish (water/physic), Cutiefly (bug/fairy), Togedemaru (electric/steel), Rockruff (rock) and Komala (normal).
The legendary Pokémon Zygarde also consists of numerous cel-like components which can change forms. Zygarde has a 50% Forme, 10% Forme and a Complete Forme.
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