New records for App Store in 2015!

Apple has announced today that they have started the new year well by breaking a new record in the first week of January. Customers all over the world have spend a total of almost half a billion dollars on apps and purchases through in-app purchases and on new years day with the biggest amount of purchases in the App Store ever.
The prestations earned this first week act as a follow up to a year full of broken records: the amount of invoices in 2014 increased with 50 percent while the developers of apps have earned a total of more than 10 billion dollars. App Store-developers have earned a total of 25 billion dollars through the selling of apps and games. With the iOS 8-update, developers have had the chance to make new amazing applications and innovative functions that became rapidly popular with App Store customers worldwide.
During the holidays, customers have created a historical moment with their support for RED, a special initiative in the Store with exclusive goods which created a whole amount of money that was gifted to the Global Fund in order to help combat aids. Apple has donated a sum of 20 million dollars and has funded more than 100 million dollars since their coöperation with RED.
Big and small developers in all the 24 categories of the App Store have made tons of amazing apps for the iOS. Especially the newest generation of indie game-developers have made special categories like for example the British ustwo who made the game Monument Valley or the American Sirvo who made the puzzle game that has been declared as Game of the Year for the App Store called Threes!.
Innovations from developers in the App Store have received a new boost in iOS 8 thanks to Swift, a programming language that makes it easier for developers to create nice applications. Aside from that the introduction of the framework HealthKit allows developers of health- and fitness-apps to share their data with the Health-app. There also exists the HomeKit framework, where developers can create software that detect and configure domotics by communicating with them. Developers will also be able to make use of Metal, which is a graphical tool that optimizes the prestations of A7- and A8-chips.
Developers have received new provisions in 2014 like the possibility of making previews of apps, appbundles, TestFlight for bètatesting of prerelease-versions of newer apps. There is also a category for applications made for kids until the age of 12. China UnionPay is a new paying service for customers in China and Apple Pay allows users to pay more safely.
Apple Pay has been around since october 2014, and has become a new favorite paying option amongst the customers, companies and developers. The amount of banks and credit suppliers that support Apple Pay keep on increasing, where 90 percent of American creditcard purchases is being represented by them. Famous companies like Bloomingdale’s, Disney Store, Duane Reade are allowing customers the user-friendly, privately and safe paying method of Apple Pay. Aside from that, popular apps such as HotelTonight, OpenTable, Target and Ticketmaster are also making use of Apple Pay.
Apple has created a, app-revolution thanks to the launch of the App Store in 2008. Since then there has been created a whole new branch of app-developing. Thanks to the iOS-ecosystem, a total of around 627.000 jobs have been created in the USA. Owners of Apple products in 155 countries now have the possibillity of choosing between more than 1.4 million apps, divided between 24 categories like Games, Social Networks, Sport and more.
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