New teaser for NAIRI: Tower of Shirin

Another Indie and Hound Picked Games are proud to present a new teaser for the adventurous soon to be released game NAIRI: Tower of Shirin. The game will be made available on PC through Steam and on Nintendo Switch. NAIRI: Tower of Shirin follows the story of a young upper class girl named Nairi in her quest to uncover a dark mystery about the Tower of Shirin. To do so, you need to do several small tasks and other objectives to progress the story which can take you to several locations.
Some of the aspects you can expect:
- Gameplay blends several mechanics from the visual novel / point and click adventure genre.
- First-person perspective; lots of poignant dialogue with a host of gorgeous character portraits.
- Lots of puzzles which involve collecting, combining, giving or using items.
- Talk to characters and observe the environment for clues on how to progress.
- Music is directly composed by the writer of the game’s story and helps build atmosphere.
- No long or obvious tutorials or constant exposition during dialogue.
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