New update for War Thunder released today

Gaijin Entertainment has released update 1.79 called Project X. This is the second massive update to this military vehicle combat game. This update adds over two dozen new and reworked ground vehicles and aircraft, a massive new location based on the Italian peninsula for combined arms battles, a new map called Project X and a complete rework of the game’s sound effects for all aircraft.
New modern tanks will also be available after this update. The most modern tanks available in-game are Japan’s Type 90 Kyū-maru and late modification of the German Leopard 2A4. The France will add the AMX-40 and the Soviet Union gets the T-62M-1. Britain gains the modernized version of the Centurion AVRE engineering tank. The US will add the two competing XM-1 prototypes from Chrysler and General Motors. One of which would later evolve into the famous M1 Abrams that’s already available in War Thunder. Airplanes will also be added with this update. The US’FJ-4B ‘Fury’ naval jet, the Soviet Union’s IL-28Sh jet bomber, the German twin-boom heavy fighter Bf 109Z ‘Zwilling’ and the Romanian fighter aircraft I.A.R. 81-C will be available to choose from.
The function Protection Analysis will be added in the hangar. This function allows players to check the vulnerability of any part of the chosen tank. For the attacking side, players can set a model of a tank, a type of shell distance and direction of a hit. A complicated algorithm will show the chance of a ricochet, penetration and which modules will be damaged by the hit.
Check out the update announcement trailer below.
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