ONRUSH – New thrilling gameplay trailer released!

A new gameplay trailer has been released for the thrilling arcade racer: ONRUSH. The new trailer showcases the game’s hair-raising action and exciting close calls. In the game, players will not simply race, they will also Wreck and then Repeat as the title of the trailer hints at.
Unlike most arcade racers ONRUSH immediately throws you back into the action when you crash. This means that players don’t have to wait to try again or wait for their sweet revenge. Players can also give it their all and try different things without having to wait to respawn. The trailer highlights several features of the game like for example the different choices of routes in one track. These diverse choices can give players an advantage over their opponents but often it ends up being a disadvantage, and a wreckage, when a wrong choice is made.
Tracks in ONRUSH are also multi-layered so players can choose to stick to the lower levels or take the high ground, to try and outsmart their opponents. The game will really keep players on the edge of their seat with unforgiving environmental obstacles and near-misses as all of them require fast reflexes.
The ONRUSH DELUXE EDITION is available now for pre-order. The DELUXE EDITION contains eight additional vehicle designs, extra Crashtag artwork, and Track Tombstones, all of these are only obtainable in the DELUXE EDITION. Players that pre-order the game on the PS4 will also receive early access to the ONRUSH beta before anyone else.
ONRUSH will be released the 5th of June 2018 for PS4 and Xbox One.
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