Overwatch free-to-play weekend for PC players

Overwatch free-to-play weekend for PC players

As of today, until Monday 30th of July, the popular team-based multiplayer first-person shooter Overwatch is free-to-play on PC. Simply grab the Blizzard Battle.net Desktop App and download the game.

It is an unrestricted trial, which means that the full roster of 28 heroes, including the brand-new Wrecking Ball, and 18 maps are available to you. There is a variety of modes to venture in, including Quick Play, Custom Games and the Arcade for the full duration of the weekend. Players who decide to join the free-to-play weekend are able to level up, earn Loot Boxes and unlock customization options for their heroes, just as they would if they had bought Overwatch.

Once the weekend is over, and you decide to buy Overwatch, you will keep any progress you’ve made during the trial, as long as you’re using the same Blizzard account.

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Hi! I'm Jess and I’m a writer, dreamer and gamer at heart since the early ages. I primarily game on PC but occasionally also on PS4 and Xbox One. I have a tiny obsession for World of Warcraft and caterpillars but you may also claim I have a devoted passion for the gaming industry in general. If you want to hit me up, find me on twitter!

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