Person of Interest Season 2 (DVD) – Series Review
Follow Genre: Action, Detective
Distributor: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc

Person of Interest Season 2 (DVD) – Series Review

Site Score
Good: Acting, Overall story, Can be watched loosely
Bad: John is sometimes a tad too arrogant
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John Reese, the ex-CIA agent that has found a new purpose in life, is now back in the second season of Person of Interest. The first season proved to be a great foundation for the series, to start playing around with the unlikely alliances, as well as the conspiracies that happen in a world where you will be constantly monitored.


The second season of Person of Interest starts off with the predicament that ended the first season of the series, namely the kidnapping of Harold Finch. For those who might have forgotten this fairly awkward character, he is the one that created ‘The Machine’, which is the artificial ‘entity’ that constantly monitors everyone, to prevent terrorist threats and other highly dangerous situations. Harold is kidnapped by someone that calls herself ‘Root’ and it seems that, while being dangerous and unstable, she is also a highly intelligent person. It seems that she wants to get her hands on the Machine to use for her own plans. To keep Harold in check, she is threatening to kill innocent bystanders.

In the meanwhile John is trying to find Harold but the Machine is not really cooperating. It starts off with John still receiving missions to save people, who need the protection. Whilst John is still preoccupied with saving Harold, he is not willing to let those people suffer from their ill fate. After a while however, he demands that the machine helps him save Harold.

This is pretty much the start of the second season and just like the first season you’ll have one main storyline that follows the entire season but most episodes can still be seen on their own. (Except those few that truly situate themselves around the main storyline.)

During the fairly ‘loose’ episodes, you’ll be treated to the typical ‘protect the victim’ situation. Most episodes will handle one case at a time, where John has to protect certain people, be it subtle or more up front.


The flow of most of the episodes is often the same for most episodes, where each episode begins with a problematic situation or a crime. After that John comes into play and the action sequences follow and alternate with the parts that provide more information about the background of those John is trying to protect. This formula is a tad different for the episodes that revolve more around the main storyline. These are often more intense and offer a tad more information than the more ‘loose’ episodes.

Once again, you’ll be treated to great looking action scenes that are not really ‘over the top’. These scenes are often a mix of gunfights with hand to hand combat. Throughout the fights, you will be impressed by John’s fighting skills but he’ll never seem to be truly omnipotent. John will occasionally require the help from his allies, as well as those he is trying to protect. This makes the series a tad more realistic.

You’ll see the characters develop more and more throughout the second season. John and Harold’s friendship is truly starting to look like a friendship. Now and then you’ll be able to see John’s feelings towards the friendly site develop, even though he is often the arrogant John as we have come to know him. Harold, the awkward genius, also seems to be opening up to a friendship that might have looked quite unlikely at the beginning. These subtle changes, prove to be quite large as the series develop. This creates a certain likeability for the characters that were quite ‘impersonal’ at the start.


Overall the cast remains one of top notch quality. Jim Caviezel (John Reese) performs great as his role of washed up CIA agent, that has more to offer in life than just killing people without a true cause. Michael Emerson (Harold Finch) does well as the awkward genius and show he is able to handle a role that is certainly not easy to portray. The supporting, yet not unimportant roles by Kevin Chapman (Lionel Fusco) and Taraji P. Henson (Joss Carter) are certainly convincing. These allies at the police station prove to be a great support for John and the success of his missions. Of course, Amy Acker (Root) shows us a role that is probably one of the hardest ones to master. A genius, that has become obsessed in a world that she deems unworthy of saving, that is trying to achieve her own personal goals.


Season 2 of Person of Interest shows us that the series can be enjoyed by two different audiences, those who are in search of a deeper storylines but also those who love a casual series that offer a lot of separate content. Acting performances and convincing situations only enhance the series, which ends up in creating a successful formula.

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Person of Interest Season 2 (DVD) - Series Review, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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  1. […] already reviewed season 2 of Person of Interest and now season 3 has arrived to give us a whole bunch of new episodes. There […]

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