Philip II leader of Spain in Civilization VI

Philip II leader of Spain in Civilization VI

2K and Firaxis Games today announced that Philip II will be leading Spain in Civilization VI.

For 48 years, Philip II was king of the massive Spanish Empire, and the most powerful ruler in Europe during the 16th century. He championed the Catholic faith, utilizing the Spanish Inquisition and leading several religious conflicts.

In staunch defense of Catholicism, Philip organized a “Holy League” against the Ottoman Empire, halting their dominance across the Mediterranean at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. He later opposed Protestantism in England, and attempted to invade the country several times using his fleet of ships, the world-famous Spanish Armada.

Philip directly intervened during the French Wars of Religion between 1585 & 1595, financing the Catholic League and ultimately causing Catholicism to be the foremost religion in France.

Phillip II’s reign ushered in a golden era for Spain. Despite constant religious warfare, Spain’s culture flourished. Music, art, and literature boomed under Philip, culminating with the creation of the majestic El Escorial monastery and palace in 1595.

Civilization VI will be available for PC on the 21st of October.

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