Pokémon restyled!

The dream of every Pokémon fan comes true at the end of this year!
Pokémon X and Y takes you on a journey in a world with 3D Pokémon. The story takes place in a new region called Kalos. This area has Lumiose city as the centre of attention. The Kalos region is set to be one of the largest regions the games have been set in. So large in fact that it’s set to be divided into three areas in the upcoming game each with unique Pokemon to find and catch that won’t be found in the others. The Pokedex will even be divided into the Central Kalos Pokedex, the Coastal Kalos Pokedex, and the Mountain Pokedex. If you don’t like the city, you can always take a stroll in the amazing woods or vivid villages.
This mysterious area is the home for a whole bunch of new Pokémon. There are also some new attacks integrated in the game.
The developers revealed three new Pokémon today and released a gameplay trailer.
- Helioptile is a Normal /Electric Pokémon and has enough electricity to make devices work. This Pokémon has Parabolic Charge which heals Helioptile for half the damage this attack inflicted on the foe.
- Fletching (Normal/Flying) is a friendly Pokémon but has some devastating attacks. It can use different types of attacks. Fletching can learn Flame Charge and benefit from a speed boost every time this attack is used.
- Pancham is a Fighting Pokémon and tries to intimidate his enemy with its intriguing gaze. This Pokémon can learn Parting Shot. This attack disables a(n) (special) attack and gives the trainer a chance to switch it with another Pokémon.
- Gogoat is a Grass Pokémon and is also the new way of transportation in Pokémon X and Y. I strongly advise to watch the trailer so you can see the changes with your own eyes.
Along with the new ability to travel around the city of Lumiose on Gogoats back. Pokémon X and Y will bring another first for the series, the ability to customize your trainer. In past games you were stuck with either choosing the boy or the girl option. Pokémon X and Y offers you the ability to customize your trainer with hair color and skin tone in the game, immersing yourself into the world of Pokemon like never before.
You can always find more information on www.pokemon.com .
And remember guys: Gotta catch’em all!
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