Prepare yourself for the Battle for Azeroth in World of Warcraft!

As of today, you may pre-purchase Battle for Azeroth, the next expansion for World of Warcraft. It costs €44.99/$49.99 for the Standard Edition, and €59.99/$69.99 for the Digital Deluxe Edition, available here. The Digital Deluxe Edition has several bonuses to a variety of Blizzard Games:
- World of Warcraft: Charge into battle astride the Seabraid Stallion (Alliance) and Gilded Ravasaur (Horde) mounts, and explore new frontiers with Tottle, the baby Tortollan pet, at your side.
- Hearthstone: After a rough day on the front, rest up at the tavern and play a few hands of Hearthstone with your hot new Azeroth Is Burning card back.
- StarCraft II: Make your mark on distant worlds with Horde- and Alliance-themed sprays.
- Heroes of the Storm: Roar onto the Battlegrounds of the Nexus riding your Primal Flamesaber, a fiery new mount with three variants. (not immediately available!)
- Overwatch: Champion your faction on the battlefields of tomorrow with Horde and Alliance voice lines for Torbjörn and emotes for Tracer; sprays featuring Anduin, Sylvanas, Jaina, and Varok Saurfang; and player icons representing Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Battle for Azeroth will also be available in a boxed Collector’s Edition, which includes an assortment of loot in addition to the above in-game bonuses. More details on the Collector’s Edition, including pricing, contents, and availability, will be announced at a later date. The main expansion will be available on or before September 21, 2018.
By pre-purchasing now you can already prepare for that moment, by unlocking 4 new races – the Void elves and the Lightforged draenei for the Alliance and the Nightborne and the Highmountain tauren for the Horde (more races will be available in the future). You will also receive a boost to lift any character to level 110 immediatly, but leveling up an Allied race character yourself will earn you a race-specific cosmetic Heritage Armor!
You can recap on the features of the expansion, and watch a trailer, in our earlier article.
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