Programming puzzler Algo Bot is available on Steam now!

Game developer Fishing Cactus announced today that their Programming Puzzler Algo Bot is available on Steam from this day onward, costing you 9.99$/€ (this week only 8.99$/€!). Fishing Cactus might be known for Epistory – Typing Chronicles, another puzzler that was well received after its launch in 2016. The game is available in English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Polish and Italian.
In Algo Bot you control the actions of a similar named, lovable but unlucky robot. Your goal is to solve puzzles by devising algorithms formed by basic programming structures like variables and subroutines. The game consists of 46 levels and is set aboard the colonization ship Europa. On your journey Algo Bot will encounter PAL, a cantankerous and aloof line manager, and Gemini, the cheerfully eccentric shipboard computer. The three must solve a crisis that erupts when a recycling job goes horribly wrong, threatening all sleeping colonists on board…
You can get a taste in the trailer below! Or visit their website for more information.
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