Rediscover fantasy adventuring with Colossal Cave on PC and consoles

Rediscover fantasy adventuring with Colossal Cave on PC and consoles

Colossal Cave Adventure is a text-based fantasy adventure RPG from the early 70s, back then not much more than some green lines on a black screen attached to a computer that fit half a room. It paved the way for many games that came after it, almost defining the genre. Developer Sierra On-Line, known for iconic titles such as King’s Quest, Space Quest, and Phantasmagoria, has now reimagined the game for modern PCs and consoles. Colossal Cave is currently out for PC, Switch, and PS5. And on March 28th, it will be arriving on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S as well. If you’re looking for classic adventuring fun in a 3D point-and-click fashion and with plenty of surprises, be sure to check it out.

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Games are my escape and writing is my passion.

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