Rightfully, Beary Arms debuts a new trailer

Daylight Basement Studio, the developers behind roguelike bullet hell Rightfully, Beary Arms, have just released the latest trailer for the game alongside a new demo. The game is intended to come out in Q3 2023 on Steam Early Access, where development will continue until the full release.
In the game players will take control of a teddy bear armed with an arsenal of guns in order to purge waves of enemy aliens. Throughout each run, players will acquire buffs, weapons and varied items that will make them more powerful, although so do the enemies. Later into the game new factions and more powerful foes will appear, requiring the most powerful guns available.
Rightfully, Beary Arms debuts a new trailer,“Rightfully, Beary Arms is our fresh take on the roguelite bullet hell genre, incorporating an adorable main character ready to unleash a devastating storm of carnage,” said Chris Bischke, cofounder for Daylight Basement Studio. “We wanted to make the gameplay simple, yet addicting, and easy to pick up, allowing for hours of replayability with different builds for seasoned rogueliters and newbies alike.”
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