Roche Fusion find its way to Steam

Roche Fusion find its way to Steam

Roche Fusion, a classic arcade space shooter with a modern twist that we previewed a while ago, has made its way to the Steam store. The game has been developed over the past year by a small indie game development studio Amulware. As of now, you can find the game on Steam right here, which hints towards an official release in the near future.

Check out the trailer of this deadly but nostalgic arcade space shooter.

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Roche Fusion find its way to Steam, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Hi! I'm Jess and Iā€™m a writer, dreamer and gamer at heart since the early ages. I primarily game on PC but occasionally also on PS4 and Xbox One. I have a tiny obsession for World of Warcraft and caterpillars but you may also claim I have a devoted passion for the gaming industry in general. If you want to hit me up, find me on twitter!

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