Rule with an iron fist in Rule with an Iron Fish

Surprise! Rule with an Iron Fish is finally out on PC. Yesterday’s launch of the game was the culmination of the hard work of the developers at Kestrel Games.
The game isn’t about ruling an empire on land, it’s about catching the biggest and baddest fish which are also scientifically proven to be invalid, to the pride and joy of the devs, and ridiculous pirates. Not to forget there’s a pirate kitty. If that doesn’t hook you immediately, it should be mentioned that the game has won CNET’s best mobile game and Snappzilla’s Games of the Year Awards, so that has to count for something.
The game can be found here. What’s even better is that there’s currently a discount on it. So net this game while you can for a discount!
Rule with an iron fist in Rule with an Iron Fish,
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