Salt and Sanctuary out now for Nintendo Switch

For years the Dark Souls franchise has been so popular that it spawned various games inspired by it. Now the developers at Ska Studios have made their own twist and it is amazing. We had the honor to try out their game ‘Salt and Sanctuary’, this is a 2D platforming title that takes the elements of Dark Souls and pours them into something unique. The core mechanics stay the same with dying and gathering salt for leveling up but what is most noticeable is the active two player mode in which a friend can join in on the action with their own character. For example you are a lvl 10 Assassin and your brother has a lvl 20 Paladin on the same game he can join in to help your adventures and vice versa. Furthermore there are over sixteen weapon types available, magic spells, items, trinkets and armors that have special abilities. Work through multiple endings and if you want to do it all over again then try the new game + mode. Salt and Sanctuary is out now for the Nintendo Switch so grab your copy and prepare to die, a lot.
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