Shiny new Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom screenshots released!

Shiny new Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom screenshots released!

The upcoming action-RPG Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom has released new screenshots highlighting some of the beautiful environments that you can look forward to visiting when the game gets released later on this year.

Play as Chado and his companions, traveling through the celestial islands on their flying ship. After a crash-landing on one of the most hostile of the celestial islands, you find yourself in the middle of a conflict involving multiple kingdoms. However, this explosive situation might find a peaceful outcome, with Chado’s newfound unique ability to perceive and communicate with the Shiness, a mysterious spirit embued with magic.

shiness-06Developed by French indie studio Enigami, Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom looks glorious. With a vast world to explore and multiple quests and side quests to send you gallivanting across it, as well as 5 characters to develop, Shiness promises to be a corker for fans of action-RPGs the world over. If this wets your bill, you can check out the rest of the beautiful new screenshots released below.


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