Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Campaign Sneak Peak

After last month’s highly anticipated first reveal of the Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2, set players on high alert. CI Games is now excited to share a closer look at the game’s sequel setting: Kuamar.
Kuamar is the original setting in the modern-day Middle East, rested between the borders of Lebanon and Syria. A country led for over 20 years of dictatorship by President Omar Al-Bakr and his wife, Bibi Rashida. Players must infiltrate the region and disturb the forces to the point where the President’s reign must come to an end.
After an amazing response to the exclusive weapons and skins revealed at the first announcement of the game, CI is expanding the rewards to the digital edition, which will be available for pre-order on Steam.
Key Features:
- 1000m+ extreme-range sniping
- A dramatic single-player campaign set in modern-day Middle East, with 5 distinct sandbox maps featuring a variety of fully accessible, interactive areas players can approach their own way
- Next level realism with realistic gadgets and weapons customizable to fit different styles of play
- Replayable missions that can be completed in a number of ways, with unlockable rewards for achieving all objectives
- More intelligent adversaries with improved tactics
- Next-generation features including enhanced visuals, native 4k resolution, and improved loading times, setting a new benchmark as the best looking Sniper Ghost Warrior game thus far
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 launches on June 4th, 2021 for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.
Everyone who pre-orders SGWC 2 will receive:
- Marcus Tactical: A light sniper rifle with great stability
- FFF-45 ACP Luring Pistol: A sidearm with special luring ammo
- Rock AS100: A punishing magazine-fed shotgun, that fires buckshot or slugs
- Blue Servers Skin
- Warning Stripes Skin
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