SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy global release announced

Available for PS4 and Switch, SNK corporation has announced its collaboration with Nippon Ichi Software to release their 2v2 fighting game; SNK Heroines. Both versions wil have a digital as well as a special edition, for which the PS4 version will have a limited run. The physical version will include such goodies as a Tshirt, a lapel pin, a towel and a wristband, and a 2-disc soundtrack.
Activate special moves with a single button in this fast-paced 2v2 fighting game, online, or with friends. Items will also help you turn the tide of battle, or watch others play online and put little wagers on who will win. Once you have your opponents close to defeat, use your Dream Finish technique to finish them off! Dress your fighters for success with more than 100 different accessories for the characters such as cat ears, earrings, glasses, facepaint and more.
SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy global release announced,
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