Solarix on KickStarter

Solarix is an indie first-person psychological survival-horror game. It’s currently in development and is expected for release somewhere in 2015. You are stranded on a distant planet as a failed human genetics experiment. You’ve spent years avoiding infected crew mates and are desperately trying to get off this planet. Can you make it off before the clean-up squad deals with you and all the other evidence?
The game itself features detailed open-ended levels offering both survival and stealth-gameplay styles. The goal is to make it a horror game beyond “jumpscares”, make it a unique and thrilling experience, not just some scary moments that the game suddenly creates. It’s about a world that fills you with unease, insecurity and desperation. It also tries to bring back an old-school stealth approach, featuring hiding in the dark and shooting out lights. Solarix has also been approved on steam, so the only thing left for you to do is go to their KickStarter and help them out!
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