Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is now available on Steam

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is now available on Steam

Every few years, the Final Fantasy series is taking a new turn when it comes to gameplay. They explored turn-based games, multiplayer games, and in the last few years also more of a hack ‘n slash approach to things. Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin enforces this approach and, backed up by Team NINJA, is now available on Steam. This is great news for all fans! We enjoyed the game quite a bit ourselves, and now you get a chance to try it out on PC. If you get the Digital Deluxe Edition, you can also play everything the Season Pass offers, which includes the Trials of the Dragon King, where you encounter Bahamut, Wanderer of the Rift, a follow-up on Trials of the Dragon King where you encounter Gilgamesh, and Different Future, the conclusion to the game with a special twist.

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Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is now available on Steam, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

I'm a game designer, developer, and reviewer. I've been reviewing for since 2017.

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