Styx: Shards of Darkness – New Screenshots Released

Styx: Shards of Darkness, the sequel to the hit stealth RPG Styx: Master of Shadows, has released all new screenshots to showcase what we can expect from next year. With access to more tools and abilities than ever before, you will be free to play the game whichever way you desire. Slip through the darkness as unnoticed as a shadow, or wreak havoc on any guards unlucky enough to cross your path. You will also be able to taker advantage of the new crafting system to make traps and devices that allow you to adapt to any situation on the fly.
The game promises to be open ended in many ways, with highly vertical environments, several different routes and tactics available to achieve each objective, and less linear play than ever before. How Styx progresses through each mission is entirely up to you. There will also be a unique co-op mode so that you can join a friends game and sneak through missions side by side. Styx: Shards of Darkness will be released on Xbox One, PS4 and PC in early 2017. Make sure that you check out the new screenshots below.
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