Written by: Peter Van Gucht
Illustrations: Luc Morjaeu
Publisher: Standaard Uitgeverij
Suske en Wiske #334 Expeditie Robikson – Taxi Tata – Comic Book Review
Even though Suske and Wiske are the ones this comic book series is named after, their friends play a very important part in their adventures as well. Sometimes they even take the lead, moving the duo to the background. In this new release, there are two short stories with Lambik in the lead. While in Expeditie Robikson, all of the main characters still get a little bit of attention, Taxi Tata is all about Lambik, something he doesn’t mind at all, we should think.
It’s a day full of bad luck for Lambik. He tries to secure some tickets for a musical, but no matter how hard he tries, he doesn’t succeed. Traffic jams, ques, busy tone, he went through them all. Annoyed by all the misfortune, he has had about enough of it, and decides that he wants to go live on an uninhabited island. Jerom arranges the garden into something that looks like an enclosed uninhabited island, and Lambik renames himself to Robikson, and Jerom to Long Weekend, as Jerom is just a tad broader than Friday was in the original story. This peaceful way of life doesn’t last long though, and Lambik and Jerom set off to find a proper uninhabited island.
In the second story, Taxi Tata, Lambik suddenly wakes up as a taxi driver in the Chicago of the nineteen thirties. While he is driving around quietly, he suddenly gets chased by gangsters armed with machine guns. After he finally manages to shake off his attackers, he discovers that in a suitcase in the boot of the car is a little baby boy. After changing his diaper, Lambik takes the boy back to the hotel where the baby’s bib came from. He only just returned the child to its parents when the same gangsters from before stop outside the hotel and try to snatch the boy away again. But Lambik acts like a good father and does everything in his power to stop this madness.
Both stories contain quite some story value, considering they are but the length of about half a comic book. The flow of Expeditie Robikson is quite fast because of this, but also because there are two storylines intertwining. Taxi Tata feels more relaxed, even though it’s full of action, as it only revolves around one character and one storyline. This makes both stories very different, yet the common lead character Lambik ties everything together.
Suske and Wiske comic books don’t often contain two smaller stories, but nonetheless it makes for a nice change. Also the variation in lead characters makes sure the series, which has been around for decades, still has something fresh to offer.
Illustrations look much like the work we’re used to from Luc Morjaeu. They look clear, not paying too much attention to backdrops, yet still creating the right atmosphere.
Suske en Wiske #334 Expeditie Robikson – Taxi Tata presents you with two individual stories, both revolving around Lambik. Despite them being rather short, there is still enough story value for them to be interesting. They are nice in-betweens for the usual longer Suske and Wiske albums, which in turn helps to keep the series fresh. Nothing really bad to say, just enjoy it if you get the chance.
Suske en Wiske #334 Expeditie Robikson - Taxi Tata - Comic Book Review,
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