
LG renews the LG TONE Free Earbuds series

LG renews the LG TONE Free Earbuds series

There are renewed versions of the LG TONE devices coming out this summer. These new versions are the LG Earbuds, models FP5, FP8, and FP9. These three are the successors of last year’s HBS-FN6 a... Read More »

while True: learn() – Preview

while True: learn() – Preview

while True: learn() is an educational game which promises to teach the player about machine learning in a playful way. It is currently in Early Access on Steam, and the developers are regularly making... Read More »

Predictive World will show you the future

Predictive World will show you the future

Watch Dogs 2 is all about hacking, which certainly can give a rich result. Every day, 2.5 billion gb is created which can be seen as ‘big data’. There are analytic algorithms that can chec... Read More »