Predictive World will show you the future

Predictive World will show you the future

Watch Dogs 2 is all about hacking, which certainly can give a rich result. Every day, 2.5 billion gb is created which can be seen as ‘big data’. There are analytic algorithms that can check for patterns, especially in our daily behaviour and even the likes on our Facebook page. Thanks to a lot of this data, certain profiles can be recreated. For instance, the police can detect if a person is more likely to get into criminality by investigating several elements.

 Predictive World is based on an algorithm that is made by the Psychometrics Center of the University of Cambridge. This program has 6.4 billion data nodes and depending on your personal aspects and behaviour, it can give you 60 predictions of various elements like your intelligence and life expectancy. If you want to get a glimpse of what the program can do, be sure to check the trailer. Looking forward to test it yourself? You can go and get some predictions on this page.

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