Caves of Qud – Review

Caves of Qud – Review

Caves of Qud is a oldschool roguelike RPG with retro style graphics. This game has been in early access for years, and seeing how this looks to be the passion project of the developers, it could be in... Read More »

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Paper Dungeons Crawler: early access tease

Paper Dungeons Crawler: early access tease

For those not familiar with ASCII roguelike games, imagine a world in black and white where you are @ and every one else is just a single capital letter. Behind every / (door) in the # (wall) lurks da... Read More »

Proto Raider – Review

Proto Raider – Review

Puzzles might not sound like the most thrilling games on earth, but nonetheless, they can be quite fun. Take Proto Raider for example. While the concept of this game is very simple, you will have to b... Read More »

Site Score
Caves of Qud – Review

Caves of Qud – Review

Caves of Qud, a project that is already ten years in the making, has finally reached an early access status on Steam, but is already deemed quite complete. With a mysterious name like that, it was onl... Read More »

Site Score
Another release on Steam –  SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition

Another release on Steam – SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition

IT’ers will know ASCII, while this might sound like something extraterrestial. This is just how numbers and characters are programmed in a computer. Well, SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition is strategi... Read More »