
Battletoads – Review

Battletoads – Review

Sometimes we just have to stop whatever we’re doing, sit down, and realize we’re just getting old. It has been 26 years since we inserted Super Battletoads in our SNES for the very first time. We ... Read More »

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The Battletoads are back!

The Battletoads are back!

It has been 26 long years since we have seen our friends Ziz, Rash and Pimple. The Battletoads were known for their hard but fun gameplay. Just like in the original, you will be going back to space, f... Read More »

E3: These were the sweet Xbox releases! Updates and links to streams here

E3: These were the sweet Xbox releases! Updates and links to streams here

Yesterday we were here for the EA conference, and today we will check out the Xbox, Bethesda, and Devolver conferences. This post will focus on The Xbox Conference, click here for the Bethesda one an... Read More »

Rare Replay bundles 30 games from 2D classics to Xbox 360 masterpieces

Rare Replay bundles 30 games from 2D classics to Xbox 360 masterpieces

Rare Ltd., best known from Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong Country and more memorable titles, is celebrating its 30th anniversary. For this special occasion, they’re bringing in their most iconic cha... Read More »

Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team

Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team

In the Summer of 1993, we were treated to an excellent crossover game combining two of the greatest beat ’em up franchises on the NES. One of which, Double Dragon, had for years been the gold st... Read More »

The Retro Entertainment System

The Retro Entertainment System

If you’re like me, searching for a quality, functioning NES or other system from the glory days of video gaming can be tough and time consuming. Sure, I’d love to have an out-of-the-box qu... Read More »