Blades of Time

Blades of Time (Switch) – Review

Blades of Time (Switch) – Review

Blades of Time was primarily released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and a month later on PC in 2012.  The game combined hack and slash gameplay with some time control and the concept was pretty neat for... Read More »

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Blades of Time launches on Switch today

Blades of Time launches on Switch today

Gaijin Entertainment has announced the release of their new classic Hack and Slash game Blades of Time on Nintendo Switch. It features everything the original offered. The treasure huntress Ayumi clas... Read More »

Blades of Time – Review

Blades of Time – Review

Blades of Time has earned the title of spiritual successor of X-blades and has been released by Konami aswell for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Will this game do any better than it’s so called pre... Read More »

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