Comic Book Review

Suske en Wiske #343 SOS Snowbell – Comic Book Review

Suske en Wiske #343 SOS Snowbell – Comic Book Review

Suske and Wiske have a new album again, and this time, their help is required in Canada. Evil magic is turning the lives of the people there into misery, so they’ll have to be quick to get things ri... Read More »

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De Kiekeboes #150 K4 – Comic Book Review

De Kiekeboes #150 K4 – Comic Book Review

The Kiekeboes have made it to their 150th album, which is quite an achievement, and of course it can’t go by unnoticed. Merho, their creator, but also the family themselves have noticed that there i... Read More »

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Suske en Wiske #340 Mami Wata – Comic Book Review

Suske en Wiske #340 Mami Wata – Comic Book Review

Over sixty years ago, three explorers traveled deep into the African jungle. After a long journey, they finally reached the sanctuary of Mami Wata, the goddess of water. Inside the sanctuary, they fou... Read More »

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Suske en Wiske #337 Game of Drones – Comic Book Review

Suske en Wiske #337 Game of Drones – Comic Book Review

Game of Drones might seem like a parody on the popular HBO series, yet apart from the title, there is very little connection. A game of drones it is, nonetheless, as Suske, Wiske, Lambik, Jerom and au... Read More »

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Zwijgen als vermoord – Comic Book Review

Zwijgen als vermoord – Comic Book Review

The ‘Zwartlijn’ series offers pitch black stories, which all revolve around pain and suffering or nasty secrets. Zwijgen als vermoord is the second story in this series, which revolves around a mu... Read More »

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