
Spacejacked – Review

Spacejacked – Review

Spacejacked is Rotten Mage’s latest game and proves to be an extremely fast-paced arcade tower-defense. It features turrets, alien scum, multiple rooms you have to protect and quite some humor. ... Read More »

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Starpoint Gemini 2 – Review

Starpoint Gemini 2 – Review

‘Space, the final frontier..’. These were the iconic first words of the Star Trek series that conquered the hearts of many, and still do, even today. Star Trek, Star Wars and other franchises such... Read More »

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Poöf vs. The Cursed Kitty – Review

Poöf vs. The Cursed Kitty – Review

Running, jumping bombing, freezing and … taking a dump? Poöf vs. The Cursed Kitty is a new title developed by Arkedo Studio which will have you jumping and running around the level while you kill e... Read More »

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