Far Cry 3

Robo balls to the wall

Robo balls to the wall

“There’s only one force powerful enough to stop an army of rampaging killer cyborgs, mutated scientists, metal sharks and vicious Blood Dragons that shoot lasers from their eyes — th... Read More »

Blood Dragon: The Cyber War

Blood Dragon: The Cyber War

Far Cry 3’s upcoming standalone expansion pack, Blood Dragon is looking like its going to be something special. Both a love letter to terribly good 80’s sci-fi action movies and a send up ... Read More »

Mark IV Style Motherfucker

Mark IV Style Motherfucker

I’m struggling for words to convey how great this whole concept of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is, it’s a love letter to the 80’s and the GI Joe cartoon. You have lasers, cyborgs, robot ... Read More »

Far Cry 3 – Review

Far Cry 3 – Review

Far Cry 3 must be one of the most hyped titles of 2012. Ubisoft has been getting us in the mood for this exotic cruise to an island filled with baddies for quite some time now. Will this holiday prove... Read More »

Site Score