
Viro Move launches on HTC Vive

Viro Move launches on HTC Vive

Today Viro Move, the fitness game developed and published by Fit Reality, was released for HTC Vive. The game aimes to mix fitness routines with a fun VR experience. It is now possible to not just esc... Read More »

Knockout: Home Fitness now available for Nintendo Switch

Knockout: Home Fitness now available for Nintendo Switch

Marvelous Europe Limited has announced today that the rhythm-based fitness game, Knockout: Home Fitness, is now available for the Nintendo Switch within Europe and Australia. The game will have player... Read More »

E3 2014 – Ubisoft

E3 2014 – Ubisoft

We’ve had the Microsoft Xbox and EA Games press conferences, now it’s time for the Ubisoft press conference. While I would normally do one or more articles on bigger titles that has gotten... Read More »

Fitness and games?

Fitness and games?

Sporting and gaming have always been seen as two seperate items. With the introduction of Nintendo’s Wii, the gap has slowly been closing. Nowadays we find gaming apps that require us to go out, run... Read More »

The Walk – Review

The Walk – Review

Plenty of researchers have written dozens of books about gamification, a modern-day trend that introduces elements from video games as well as achievements and rewards to otherwise everyday tasks. Fit... Read More »

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