
FACTS 2024

FACTS 2024

Back in October, we found ourselves in Ghent for the Fall edition of FACTS. As always, the convention did not disappoint, and even though a few new remarks were made due to the new layout, we had a bl... Read More »

FACTS 2023 (Fall)

FACTS 2023 (Fall)

It feels like yesterday that we were in Ghent for the April edition of FACTS. Sadly (or luckily?), nearly 6 months have passed and the Fall edition of FACTS took place last weekend. This convention ha... Read More »

Atsusacon 2018

Atsusacon 2018

Summer is always a joyous time, especially when you got sun, vacation and a con. One of the smaller, but cozy, events of the year is Atsusacon. This convention targets mostly cosplayers and people who... Read More »

Atsusacon 2016

Atsusacon 2016

After our visit to Starcom, it is time to reflect on the weekend of Atsusacon. This convention was held in the ICC or International Convention Centre in Ghent for the second time. Last year, there wer... Read More »

Starcom 2016

Starcom 2016

It’s summer time, so that means it’s time for conventions! Just like last year, we had the chance to check out Starcom for their second edition this year. Starcom aims to provide a day whe... Read More »

F.A.C.T.S. Spring Edition 2016

F.A.C.T.S. Spring Edition 2016

Conventions are getting more and more popular in the Benelux and the second yearly edition of FACTS is proof of this new trend. Past weekend, there was a spring edition of the event, giving people the... Read More »

F.A.C.T.S. 2015

F.A.C.T.S. 2015

Winter is coming. This mean conventions are nearing to an end, at least for this year. While many other organisations are planning their next convention, some of us were still waiting for the weekend ... Read More »

Atsusacon 2015

Atsusacon 2015

After one con comes another! 2 weeks ago, we had the opportunity to go to Starcom, a comic book sci-fi con. This time, we were once again present at Atsusacon, which is a whole other thing. Atsusacon ... Read More »

Starcom 2015

Starcom 2015

Summer has started so it’s time to visit conventions! Starcom was held in the International Convention Center in Ghent, Belgium. It was the first time this event was organised and it looked very... Read More »

F.A.C.T.S. 2014

F.A.C.T.S. 2014

We’re already October and the end of the year is getting closer. This means that it is time to give you some extra information about F.A.C.T.S. This convention is probably one of the most popular sc... Read More »