
Walhalla #2 Het Onverenigd Koninkrijk – Comic Book Review

Walhalla #2 Het Onverenigd Koninkrijk – Comic Book Review

Vikings have always been feared warriors, even though history has often proved them to be compassionate as well. Nonetheless, at a certain point in time, they were raiding other countries, hoping to b... Read More »

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Titeuf #13 Word Toch Eindelijk Volwassen, Titeuf! – Comic Book Review

Titeuf #13 Word Toch Eindelijk Volwassen, Titeuf! – Comic Book Review

When we were young, oh boy, we would have done anything to be older, to be able to talk about things we didn’t yet understand and be one of the cool guys. Growing older, we realize how much fun chil... Read More »

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Antarctica #2 Overwintering – Comic Book Review

Antarctica #2 Overwintering – Comic Book Review

Antarctica has probably always tickled people’s imagination. It’s a continent we don’t know much about, which only got properly discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century. In June 1910... Read More »

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Rosa 1/2 De Weddenschap – Comic Book Review

Rosa 1/2 De Weddenschap – Comic Book Review

Tonight there will be no adventurous tales but we’ll simple talk about sex, and lots of it apparently. Even though sex is no taboo anymore, in the 1800’s it was something else, especially seeing t... Read More »

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Silas Corey Het Zarkoff-Testament 1/2 – Comic Book Review

Silas Corey Het Zarkoff-Testament 1/2 – Comic Book Review

Whilst private eyes in reality often have cases where they have to spy on a suspicious acting boyfriend or some minor investigatory cases, movies and comic books often portray these inspectors as supe... Read More »

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