
Syberia 2 – Review

Syberia 2 – Review

In November we took a look at the umpteenth rerelease of Syberia, this time on Nintendo’s new handheld-home console combo. Only slightly more than a month later, the second installment was also rere... Read More »

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The Count Lucanor – Review

The Count Lucanor – Review

When a game describes itself as a mix of The Legend of Zelda and Silent Hill, it immediately makes us frown in disbelief, as both titles respectively shaped the adventure and the horror genres. This m... Read More »

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De Wapenmeester – Comic Book Review

De Wapenmeester – Comic Book Review

Halfway the 16th century the Roman Catholic Church started losing a bit of its supremacy, as the Protestant movement started translating bibles, making them accessible for the average population, whic... Read More »

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