lornsword winter chronicle

Lornsword Winter Chronicle (PS5) – Review

Lornsword Winter Chronicle (PS5) – Review

Building bases and staging big fights against your opponents has always been loads of fun in strategy games, but in most of them, you were just the one controlling everything behind the scenes. In Lor... Read More »

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Lornsword Winter Chronicle – Review

Lornsword Winter Chronicle – Review

War never changes but video games do and while strategy games certainly still have a devoted audience, they aren’t quite as prominent as they used to be. But for those who still seek the thrill ... Read More »

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Lornsword Winter Chronicle released today

Lornsword Winter Chronicle released today

Today, former Creative Assembly developers at independent studio Tower Five have announced that their story-driven action-strategy game, Lornsword Winter Chronicle has rolled out to PlayStation 4 and ... Read More »

Lornsworld Winter Chronicle storms onto consoles and out of Early Access in Fall

Lornsworld Winter Chronicle storms onto consoles and out of Early Access in Fall

War. War never changes. But games do and as such it has been a while since there has been an innovative strategy game on the market. Tower Five is here to change that with Lornsworld Winter Chronicle,... Read More »

Lornsword Winter Chronicle coming to Early Access

Lornsword Winter Chronicle coming to Early Access

Ever dreamed about a game that combines many fun elements into one large title? Lornsword Winter Chronicle is a blend of action strategy in a RPG setting with base building and resource management. On... Read More »