Made in asia

FACTS 2023

FACTS 2023

The convention season is well underway again, and we are always looking forward to quite a few of them. This time we were invited to visit one of our personal favorites, FACTS, and we were curious to ... Read More »

Heroes Comic Con (Made in Asia) 2022

Heroes Comic Con (Made in Asia) 2022

Convention season is in top gear again, and we were lucky enough to take a look at one of the biggest events of the year. Made in Asia was held the weekend of the 24th and the 25th of September, but t... Read More »

Be a spectator for Red Bull Solo Q and Red Bull Flick this weekend!

Be a spectator for Red Bull Solo Q and Red Bull Flick this weekend!

This weekend, Brussels Expo hosts the anime and manga convention Made in Asia. The convention also serves as the place to be for fans of CS:GO and League of Legends, as the Belgian finales of both the... Read More »

Made In Asia 2015

Made In Asia 2015

A new year has started for the anime events in Belgium and the first convention is Made In Asia. This event has really grown and a lot of people like and attend it. The question rises if the organisat... Read More »

Made In Asia 2014

Made In Asia 2014

The first big convention of the year has taken place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of March. Made In Asia was held in Brussels Expo and oh boy, were there a lot of people. Even more, most of them were co... Read More »

A view of: Made in Asia (5th edition)

A view of: Made in Asia (5th edition)

  Big, bigger, biggest! Good, better, best! Every year conventions strive to at least be labeled with one of the aforementioned comparatives or to be synonymous with the superlative. Made in Asia... Read More »