
Now You See Me 2 (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Now You See Me 2 (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Movies revolving around magic have always been a hot topic, especially when they involve kinds of magic that can only happen in fantasy stories or cartoons. Of course, realistic movies, such as The Il... Read More »

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Magic 7 #2 Tegen Allen – Comic Book Review

Magic 7 #2 Tegen Allen – Comic Book Review

Magic 7 #1 Nooit Alleen only just passed the revue, and we are already able to present you with our opinion of the second album. When releasing the Dutch version of this series, the publisher (Dupuis ... Read More »

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Niklos Koda #14 De Spiborg – Comic Book Review

Niklos Koda #14 De Spiborg – Comic Book Review

While a bond between father and daughter is certainly a unique phenomenon, it’s one that is often quite strong. The Niklos Koda series revolves around a girl who is looking to bring her father back ... Read More »

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