
His Dark Materials: Season 2 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

His Dark Materials: Season 2 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

As mentioned in the review of season 1, it took us some time to get used to this new rendition of His Dark Materials after the botched 2007 attempt. The Golden Compass did have a few enjoyable asp... Read More »

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God of Word – Review

God of Word – Review

Some of you might have heard of ‘Typing of the Dead’, which was a spinoff game for the House of the Dead series. Instead of shooting the undead who were trying to eat your brains, you had to type ... Read More »

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Goosebumps (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Goosebumps (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Goosebumps was a children’s horror series in the nineties which was immensely popular. Nonetheless, when 2000 came around the corner, there were only traces left of its popularity and thus it actual... Read More »

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