Papers please

Contraband Police – Review

Contraband Police – Review

When it comes to developing simulation games there’s Crazy Rocks, a household name having published some of the better job simulators on the market. This time we find our dream job as a customs ... Read More »

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Branching Paths – Documentary Review

Branching Paths – Documentary Review

In the Western part of the globe, the indie gaming scene is well known and often well acclaimed by publishers and gamers. We simply cannot think of a world without indie games because they bring an en... Read More »

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Papers, Please dev Lucas Pope announces latest project

Papers, Please dev Lucas Pope announces latest project

Lucas Pope, known for developing the dystopian document thriller named Papers, Please announced his next project and game Return of the Obra Dinn. His latest game is currently still in early developme... Read More »

ThaMofo’s Personal Top 10 of 2013

ThaMofo’s Personal Top 10 of 2013

With 2013 behind us, it’s always fun to look back at what game titles that gave us fun during the year. It’s only natural, that as a reviewer we have games that we enjoy more than others, even tho... Read More »

Papers, please – Review

Papers, please – Review

‘’Papers, please’’, probably the two most annoying words people tend to hear nowadays, be it on vacation, a routine police check-up or just when doing something outside of your everyday life. ... Read More »

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