
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

X-Men: Dark Phoenix (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

After X-Men: Apocalypse it became clear that Sophie Turner’s task in the coming movie would become increasingly difficult. The young actress, who gained a lot of popularity with her role in Game of ... Read More »

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Iron Man #003 – Comic Book Review

Iron Man #003 – Comic Book Review

Iron Man expanded his area for his heroics and blasted himself into space, to fight injustice wherever he comes, and perhaps score a pretty alien lady in the process. It becomes clear quite rapidly th... Read More »

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All New X-Men #002 – Comic Book Review

All New X-Men #002 – Comic Book Review

Cyclops joined forces with Magneto and Emma Frost, after he decided to murder Charles Xavier, the most beloved man in the mutant world. Xavier strived for a good relationship between mutants and the r... Read More »

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Witte Klauw #3 De Weg van de Sabel – Comic Book Review

Witte Klauw #3 De Weg van de Sabel – Comic Book Review

Throughout history it was quite common that war was only waged by men, and women had to stay at home, watch the children and hope they would ever see their beloved husband come home again. It was pret... Read More »

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All New X-Men #001 – Comic Book Review

All New X-Men #001 – Comic Book Review

At certain points in our lives, all of us probably hoped we possessed some kind of super power, to help us out of a pickle, grant us fame or perhaps even the power to obtain a lot of money. We could e... Read More »

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