point-and-click game

Rauniot gets a release date and a trailer

Rauniot gets a release date and a trailer

Act Normal Games is pleased to announce the release date for Rauniot, their isometric point-and-click adventure. Rauniot offers players an immersive post-apocalyptic experience filled with intriguing ... Read More »

Life of Delta – Review

Life of Delta – Review

Point-and-click adventure games belong to a genre that is slowly dying out. Gone are the days when these used to be the most beloved games, with titles like Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle consi... Read More »

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Whateverland (Switch) – Review

Whateverland (Switch) – Review

A while ago, we already covered Whateverland. This point-and-click game by established Spanish developer Caligari Games has an interesting premise and some fun gameplay mechanics we don’t often ... Read More »

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Rescue your beloved cockapoo in Freaky Trip

Rescue your beloved cockapoo in Freaky Trip

Freaky Trip is an upcoming point-and-click puzzle game made by RedDeer.Games. In this wacky adventure, you won’t let anything stop you from getting your beloved chicken back. Even if it means go... Read More »

Rediscover fantasy adventuring with Colossal Cave on PC and consoles

Rediscover fantasy adventuring with Colossal Cave on PC and consoles

Colossal Cave Adventure is a text-based fantasy adventure RPG from the early 70s, back then not much more than some green lines on a black screen attached to a computer that fit half a room. It paved ... Read More »

Scrap Riders – Review

Scrap Riders – Review

With a title like Scrap Riders, you’d be forgiven for assuming that indie developer Games For Tutti’s latest release would be a demolition derby style race game. What you’re getting instead, how... Read More »

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Celebrate Halloween with Unusual Findings and Darkestville Castle

Celebrate Halloween with Unusual Findings and Darkestville Castle

Developer Epic Llama Games and publisher ESDigital Games want to wish everybody a happy Halloween! To do this, they have quite a few surprises in store. To start with, they released a new trailer for ... Read More »

Sunday Gold – Review

Sunday Gold – Review

Whether it’s the visual novel meets shmup gameplay of Yurukill or card game meets RPG gameplay of Voice of Cards, we’ve seen some unusual genre combinations in the past. In this regard, the idea o... Read More »

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Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist – Review

Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist – Review

Error 300 is a rather new game developer on the scene. Only less than a year ago we reviewed their first release, Mosaic Chronicles, which was a simple puzzle game with some story for added charm. Tod... Read More »

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About an Elf – Review

About an Elf – Review

We’ve reviewed our fair share of weird games, many of which hail from the stable of nakana.io, but none of them quite reach the same level of strangeness as Meringue Interactive’s debut title Abou... Read More »

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