
Name the monster contest for Dreadlands

Name the monster contest for Dreadlands

Are you the creative genie in your group? Then you might want to join the contest to name a grizzly monster in Dreadlands. In order to enter the contest, you must follow them on Twitter and then you m... Read More »

GameForce Masters announces a new unprecedented prize pool for their new tournament

GameForce Masters announces a new unprecedented prize pool for their new tournament

While E-sports are still growing in Belguim, GameForce Masters is trying their best to make it the popular pastime it’s supposed to be. Their newest tournament therefore boasts a prize pool of â... Read More »

Contest: 2x DVD copies of Call of Heroes

Contest: 2x DVD copies of Call of Heroes

Only recently our review for Call of Heroes went live, and it proved to be a great movie. Nonetheless, Splended Film also wanted to share this movie with you, as they did with us. So here we are, wi... Read More »

How good are your reflexes?

How good are your reflexes?

If the answer is anything from good to freaking amazing, then Zero Reflex is the game for you. Take a journey to a rather psychedelic world where you can show off your reflexes. Since the developers b... Read More »